

saturday evenings 7:00 pm

Missions · Reaching the World for Christ

The Gate is a place of sending and every year many men and women are sent around the world to minister and proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom.  In addition to short term missions to many countries The Gate provides support every year to ministries operating permanantly in foreign countries. These include rescuing people from human trafficking, supporting orphans and schools, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.  Between 80 and 90 cents of every dollar donated to and through The Gate in 2019-2020 supported the advance of the Kingdom on earth in the United States, Israel, Peru, Nicauragua, Cambodia, Phillipines, Bulgaria, India, Mexico, Thailand and other nations. The Gate has sent many laborers into the field and welcomed many more to The Gate who are impacting the globe for the Gospel of the Kingdom.  Sending and receiving is a core value at The Gate.